Mini Projects
Food Quality Monitoring
In this project, we created a custom image classifier & object detection model by training on different components of food dishes combination of hoi foods on mobilenet model and deployed in Raspberry Pi for HOI Food Kitchen to maintain their quality assurance
Demography Analysis
This project is our part of creating Demography analysis at one of the biggest food market chain HMR in Russia, we used Face Detection module & Dlib to detect Age & Gender of customers standing at the reception.
Generating Abstract Art using Deep convolutional generative adversarial networks[DC-GANs] :
In this project, I have generated abstract by training DC_GAN model with approx 8500 painting
Github :
Predictive Model using Ensemble Learning on XGBoost, Keras & Scikit-Learn : :
This project is part of my participation in one of the kaggle competition , here I created Regression Model by combining many different regression Models like RFRegressor,Keras MLP,XGBoost, etc and combining those using Stacking ensemble learning techniques on numerical & categorical data by doing extensive feature engineering by extracting Statistical Features.
ResNet implementation in TensorFlow Keras :
In this project ,I implemented residual network from ground-up to get a better intuition about how Resnet & CNN works.
Generating text using LSTM :
In this project I trained a generative LSTM network shakespeare writings to generate text from it.
Implementing 3D convolutional network from Research paper :
In this project I crerated 3d Conv model to classify video action from a 3d conv based research paper.